LexisNexis IP

"I just wanted to pass on an e-mail to you thanking you for all your help.

You have always been very pleasant and always so knowledgeable in every request I have had. It is a pleasure working with you."

- Litigation Paralegal, Menlo Park, CA

To Pick Up An Order

Picking Up Your Reed Tech IP Order

To reach your special web page to download your order, simply enter your Account Number and Password in the fields below and press the SUBMIT button. If you make a mistake press the CLEAR button and re-enter.

Reed Tech IP Services Order Pickup

Both Fields Required


You can place your order for Internet delivery through our OnlineOrderCenter or by calling Customer Service at 800-422-1337. We will then create a customized web page with links to each patent ordered.  You can use your browser to view, download and print each document ordered.  You will need the appropriate Adobe Acrobat browser plug-in to display the document. Click the icon below to download the latest Acrobat reader plug-in. This is FREE software available from Adobe.
Acrobat Reader

If you don’t have an established account number and password for Internet order pick-up, please go to Set Up An Account to establish your account first, and then return here to pick up your order.

If you are unsure of your password, contact Reed Tech IP Services customer service at 1-800-422-1337, or via e-mail at email@LexisNexisIP.com.

Thanks for choosing Reed Tech IP Services.